Hi classmates, I hope you are well, one of my vacations that I have enjoyed the most, which were not strictly vacations, was my "study" tour while I was in high school, on that occasion we were staying in Lican Ray but we toured many nearby towns, if my memory serves me correctly I think we spent 5 days there, just for the dates between Christmas and New Year, but the truth is that it felt like double for all the activities we did; we were taken to trekking Huilo Huilo, to learn about Mapuche traditions in a community, we went to the beach every afternoon also to the hot springs, being a student tour was with most of the course at that time, but the truth is that I was not close to all my classmates, but if it was a small part of them, they were my friends and this was the opportunity to have fun almost, almost without limits.
This vacation is one of my favorites because I think it is impossible to repeat it, also consider that this was 5 years ago and in these years many things have changed between us, but even though some friendships have not been maintained it is one of the best memories I have. I would like to have more pictures of those days since the few I had have been lost.